❓How much do EU officials earn?
Salaries and social benefits of the permanent staff
The basic salary for EU officials is determined by their function group (AD, AST, SC) and their grade (which ranges from 1 to 16). The grade reflects the level of responsibilities and experience required for a particular job.
Allowances :
Expatriation allowance: for officials posted abroad
Dependency allowance: for officials with disabled family members
Management allowance : for middle and senior managers
Health insurance
EU officials are entitled to comprehensive health insurance coverage for themselves and their families.
Pension rights
EU officials contribute to a pension scheme, which is managed by the European Public Service Pension Scheme. The EPSPS provides a pension to officials upon retirement, based on the number of years of service and the salary received.
Unemployment benefits
For contract agents and temporary agents, unemployment benefits can be paid after the end of the contract
Social security benefits and other benefits
EU officials may also be entitled to various other benefits, such as:
Family allowance: for officials with children under the age of 26 or with dependent family members,
Education allowances for their children
Leave entitlements
It is important to note that the specific employment conditions and benefits for EU officials may vary depending on their country of origin and other factors.
As a general rule, all the benefits, including family allowances and sickness insurance reimbursements are always paid after the deduction of payment received from the national level or the member state.
Salary grid
Below are a raw estimation of the brut amount for each grade and steps for 2022.
AD 16
20 015,35
21 011,72
21 933,76
AD 15
18 019,41
18 766,60
19 551,45
20 110,71
20 523,14
AD 14
15 721,68
16 371,93
17 059,62
17 528,62
18 019,41
AD 13
13 902,79
14 480,61
15 094,07
15 461,72
15 721,68
AD 12
12 312,89
12 837,24
13 374,37
13 750,41
13 902,79
AD 11 / AST 11
10 965,90
11 432,56
11 909,79
12 242,93
12 312,89
AD 10 / AST 10
9 764,93
10 162,96
10 587,32
10 882,37
10 965,90
AD 9 / AST 9
8 676,39
9 034,06
9 407,61
9 668,48
9 764,93
AD 8 / AST 8
7 731,38
8 053,86
8 377,96
8 609,97
8 676,39
AD 7 / AST 7
6 888,53
7 159,74
7 444,72
7 641,07
7 731,38
AD 6 / AST 6
6 130,06
6 366,41
6 613,64
6 788,30
6 888,53
AD 5 / AST 5
5 473,09
5 687,57
5 914,40
6 068,60
6 130,06
4 887,87
5 070,77
5 262,39
5 395,41
5 473,09
4 372,84
4 535,39
Last updated